Stockbridge — What is it about holiday lights on a crisp winter night and their uncanny ability to transport us to that cozy place? You know, that cozy place that actually exists inside of us all. The one that expresses itself as the heavens announce solstice and the snow crunches beneath our boots. The one that we long for as the holidays approach, bright decorations appear and something hot on the stove never felt more appropriate.

Naumkeag, the old Choate family “cottage,” is a jewel box of fine taste. One cannot imagine gilding that lily. And yet, those holiday lights on a winter night. Twists of white and colored buttons illuminating the outline of trees, sculptures, pathways as magical as a full moon but far more festive. Lanterns dangle, snow-capped topiaries glister and warm breath mingles with the steam of hot cocoa. Children giggle and run ahead, drawn by the tunnels of glimmering glow, while adults, awash, nay giddy, with a similar awe, the same pull, follow just behind.