To the Editor:
Many citizens of Great Barrington are struggling to make ends meet. We fear rising taxes and we worry about paying for a high school that will be over–renovated, oversized and far too costly. We don’t want to be taxed out of town.
Many of us are frugal New Englanders trying to take care of ourselves as best we can. We repair our homes as needed. We make do. We give to charity as our needs allowed. We are not selfish.
The Lenox School Committee is very concerned about a diminishing student body. We share that concern about Great Barrington. We do not look forward to carrying an underused school on the tax rolls.
We have the highest regard for education. We believe fine teachers are more important than fine buildings. Please join us in voting no on this proposed renovation and on the override of Proposition 21/2.
Patricia Ryan
Great Barrington