Saturday, February 8, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: writers

I WITNESS: Erasing democracy is easier than you think

Donald Trump is a zero-sum kind of a guy. He only feels that he has won if everyone else loses, and in order for everyone to lose, they have to be destroyed.

Matt Tannenbaum’s Bookstore: 40 years serving writers and readers

The Bookstore has also been a place of comfort, in that special way good bookstores are, for people who want to step out of modern life’s constant buzzing.

LEONARD QUART: New York, city of writers, not politicos

One lives with the feeling in New York that the unexpected can always arise… unscripted surreal and naturalistic dramas may spontaneously erupt.

The Bookloft, long-time refuge for readers and writers, is up for sale

It is bursting with titles and special editions and things you never even knew about. The cookbook section is a knockout. And the children and young adult section is enchanting.

A Writer Recommends: ‘There is Nothing Wrong with You’

Huber’s words are those of a serious and well-worn traveler of the interior, who sees self-hate as the greatest obstacle to being a truly awakened person, and I trust her.

The Baumbachs: Three generations of creative life

This desperate need to create can at times feel more like a curse to artists and those around them. The human soul doesn’t mess around.

A Writer Recommends: ‘The Chronology of Water’

Sometimes we have to swim against the current of culture to make a life we can bear.

A Writer Recommends: ‘Good-bye Louise, Or Who I Am’: A story by Lydia Davis

"If something interests me, whether it’s a piece of language or a family relationship or a cow, then I write about it. I never judge ahead of time. I never ask, Is this worth writing about?” -- Lydia Davis

A Writer Recommends: ‘Falling to Earth’

Kate Southwood has done something remarkable and ruthless by asking over and over in different ways and through a memorable cast of characters: Is it always better to survive?

A Writer Recommends: ‘I Remember’

“Few people can read this book and not feel like grabbing a pencil to start writing their own parallel versions . . . Even the smallest [remembrance] can exert a mysterious tug.” -- Ron Padgett

A Writer Recommends: ‘What Comes Next and How to Like It’

There is enough sadness for five families twice the size of theirs. Because that’s how life is, is what Thomas likes to remind us. Everything happens. One thing after another and then something else, and then another thing that overlaps with another. And you hope that you can live with it. Maybe even learn to like it.

EDGEWISE: Women writers’ festival to brighten — and thaw — the Berkshires

There’s so much interest in programs nurturing the creative expression of women of all ages that we Festival organizers have been expanding our offerings beyond the confines of the month of March.

EDGE WISE: Voices, views, visions of women of the Berkshire region

EDGE WISE: A new weekly column that moves women’s voices to center stage. Women of the Berkshire region, you are hereby invited to make this space your own! EDGE WISE will appear weekly, and my hope is that you will take full advantage of this opportunity to share your views and visions with readers of The Berkshire Edge.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.