Sunday, February 16, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: women's rights

THE OTHER SIDE: Witches burning (Part One)

As we have learned over the centuries, when it comes to burning witches, it doesn’t really matter if you have burned a real witch or just someone who, in your fevered, partisan, and paranoid imagination, could easily become a witch in the future. It is the burning that is the message.

CONNECTIONS: Feme covert, feme sole

Mostly a wife was protected from having any rights at all. The wife’s opinions and desires were not considered — “the perfect marriage was one mind and two bodies.”

Alan Chartock: Progressives rule N.Y. Legislature, thanks to Trump

So, when you consider all of what has happened in the few short weeks since the Democrats took power, you have a real revolution.

Amplifications: A picture is worth a thousand words

Anyone with a modicum of education can draw a straight line from the white hoods of the KKK to the angry red of a MAGA cap.

Amplifications: Women’s rights are human rights

Women are still not protected by the Constitution. The Equal Rights Amendment has never passed.

CONNECTIONS: Sexual harassment, an American tradition

This is a backlash; this is pent-up demand, not for widgets, but for justice and respect.

CONNECTIONS: Girls’ night out

The rights and roles of women are ever in flux. Then and now, for every step away from the traditional, there is a tug backward.

A political storm brewing in New York’s 19th District

On Friday, June 2, Indivisible Chatham will be hosting a mock town hall on women’s rights in front of Republican Congressman John Faso’s house in Kinderhook. Can a motivated group of dismayed activists grow their grassroots movement into a coalition capable of winning elections? “It’s easier to resist when all the cards are against you, it’s very motivating. Now we just have to win some elections.” -- Indivisible Chatham, N.Y., founder Alan Gelb

No Boundaries in Art, Episode 3: Hanna Koczela

“The power of theatre lies in its ability to transform our understanding of all human experience. There cannot be boundaries in the arts. We do not discriminate. Our buildings are sanctuaries for everyone to tell their stories.” -- Kate Maguire, artistic director, Berkshire Theatre Group

EDGECAST VIDEO: Women’s March in NY: This Pussy Grabs Back

The Berkshires goes to the protest: a taste of the festivities. Our Edgecast video crew with Edgecast Copter was on hand for the New York City Women's March on January 21, 2017 which drew an estimated 400,00 to 500,000 participants, among them quite a few from the Berkshires.

EDGEWISE: The President, the Pope, the women of the world

Let’s face it: fossil fuel emissions are just a symptom of the real problem of runaway human population growth.

EDGE WISE: Saving a starfish: Women’s rights and social change

Kristof’s central message was that if we put our minds to it and work together, we can make a difference.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.