Monday, February 17, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: Wisconsin

BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT: Southern Berkshire Ambulance Squad—at risk of its own state of emergency

SBAS has been coming to the rescue of Southern Berkshire County since 1968. It is now part of a study aimed at evaluating the critical challenges facing EMS providers across the district.

POEM: Badger-State Blues

I have this sense that what we took for granted for so long -- the way we lived, and moved, and had our being -- will be changed for all time

By bread and love alone: Craig Bero, Housatonic hero of the moment

On day one of the COVID-19 shutdown he “gutted” his restaurant’s foyer and transformed it into his to-go way station, from which he starts serving customers dinner around five, their covered plate delivered straight to their car window.

Michael Costerisan, 72, of West Stockbridge

Michael had become a master woodworker, creating hundreds of pieces of fine furniture and cabinetry. He built his second log home and shop in West Stockbridge.

News Brief: Democratic National Convention delegation selection training

From Monday, July 13, through Thursday, July 16, Democratic delegates from every state in the country will gather at the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to choose the party’s nominee for president of the United States.

Edward Morehouse Sr., 88, of Great Barrington, former GB selectman

Ed loved Great Barrington and was very active in the civic life of the community. In 1982 he was elected to the board of selectmen and remained a selectman until 2002.

CONNECTIONS: Democracy at risk

Voter suppression schemes target specific populations, generally nonwhites, and make it onerous or impossible to register, to get to the poll and cast a vote. Recent examples include the shenanigans in Georgia, North Carolina and North Dakota.

Progressive movements conference calls for unity to confront contemporary crises

Emerging social justice movements represent a collective response to compounding crises. The challenge is bringing all of these movements together and maintaining unity among diverse groups working on what are seen as separate issues.

The Self-Taught Gardener: Tropical effects

A tropical Thai garden that can survive in Madison, Wisconsin? It is colorful, and otherworldly (at least for us northerners).

CONNECTIONS: Seven words that stopped an American demagogue

Trump became the second man to call Roy Cohn his mentor. The first was Joseph McCarthy. Cohn was disbarred for unethical conduct in 1986. He died of AIDS in 1987.

Stockbridge Mohican wisdom on a life well-lived: A conversation with Mohican delegation in London, 1766

‘Your state of society is an endless source of wretchedness… in a state of society like yours those who labour most enjoy the least, and thou who labour not at all have the greatest number of enjoyments.’ -- Stockbridge Mohican Sachems Daniel Nimham, Jacob Cheeksaunkun, Solomon Uhhaunauwaunmut, John Naunauphtaunk, as recorded by John Trusler during their visit to England

Pleasant and Main in Housatonic: Village companionship — and sour cherry pie

“Thanksgiving,” Craig Bero explains. “It’s my favorite meal of the year.” This year will mark his third at the corner of Pleasant and Main, and he’s already talking about the baked beans – a blend of cranberry and black turtle beans – he’ll have cooking over the fire out back, not to mention eight turkeys, hand-plucked.

The Self-Taught Gardener: Eliminating the competition

The ability of the boneset plant to kill off its neighbors, except for a few intimates, makes me think this plant is descended from the infamous Italian Renaissance Borgia family.

The Self-Taught Gardener: Flower power

Flowers from the composite family, actually hundreds of flowers held tightly together to look like one, gave me a vision of how we can all come together to provide the world with a little color and beauty.

Charles Larson, Sr., 83, of Lee

Chuck was known for his sense of humor, the ability to fix anything, his love of history, railroads and motorcycles.

The Self-Taught Gardener: Winter’s call

A New Year’s Eve walk through the Olbrich Botanical Garden in Madison, Wisc., made me realize that buds, fruits, and bark can draw us into the winter landscape and keep us outdoors in the depths of the season.

Arbor Day Reflection: I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as a clean kitchen counter

I’ve argued that it’s OK to use paper plates, that the trees used are planted specifically for that purpose and wouldn’t exist otherwise.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.