Sunday, February 16, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: Western Massachusetts

THE OTHER SIDE: Witches burning (Part One)

As we have learned over the centuries, when it comes to burning witches, it doesn’t really matter if you have burned a real witch or just someone who, in your fevered, partisan, and paranoid imagination, could easily become a witch in the future. It is the burning that is the message.

The [Unauthorized] GB Primer

The inside track. Beware, locals and visitors alike!

Welcome to Real Estate Friday!

This week Brandon White and Cortney Dupont of Cohen+White Associates offer a beautiful Berkshire Cottage in Williamstown! A selection of pools to get in the swing of summer!

Republican derangement: A party I respected has gone off the cliff

I grew up among virtuous Republicans inspired by what was best in the New England's Puritan tradition. That party is now gone.

The Emperor’s New Clothes — An adaptation

Instead of saying, as one might, about any other ruler, "The King's in council," here they always said. "The President is tweeting in his dressing room.”

Berkshire Region real estate sales Oct. 1-7, 2017

The latest weekly report of real estate sales in the Berkshire region of Western Massachusetts and Northwest Connecticut.

Ratepayers shocked by proposed 27 percent electric rate hike

“During a time in which our regional economy is struggling to recover from decades of dramatic economic transition, this overall rate proposal is an unacceptable burden.” --- Jonathan Butler, president of 1Berkshire            

Great Barrington economy at risk for lack of fiber optic broadband network

The highest speeds provided by cable do not provide what a fiber optic network can. And increasingly, businesses require speeds and capacity possible only with fiber.

REVIEW: Unexpected beauty at the Diana Felber Gallery

These studio pieces and commentary provide an unprecedented glimpse into the shadowy world of the outlaw street artist. The practice of illegally scribbling text in public places is, by any measure, nothing new. It predates the cuneiform script of ancient Mesopotamia.

Carolyn Mower Burns, 69, of West Stockbridge, CEO of Berkshire Children and Families

Carolyn was a visionary in the area of children and families and she dedicated 47 years to this work.

MBI funds town of Mt. Washington fiber optic network

Mt. Washington, with a population of around 150 full-time residents, is the second town to get MBI “last mile” funding for a “fiber to home” project. The project should be completed by mid-to-late 2017.

While state agency reboots, Western Massachusetts languishes without high-speed Internet

“A market dominated by the major cable and telephone companies has failed to provide these citizens with what is fast becoming a basic need like electricity or water.” -- The Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, in report recommending the WiredWest 32-town cooperative as the vehicle for providing essential broadband Internet connectivity for rural Western Massachusetts

Dental hygiene practitioners will increase access to dental care

In her letter to the editor, Joanne Simpson applauds state Rep. Smitty Pignatelli for sponsoring a bill to increase access to dental care.

State puts broadband on hold for rural western Massachusetts

“We are deeply concerned over the continuing delays, obfuscations, inadequate communication and lack of transparency, that continue to plague such efforts [to bring broadband to western Massachusetts]” --- Otis Citizens for Connectivity

Otis citizens to Gov. Baker: Where’s our broadband?

In a letter to the editor Otis Citizens for Connectivity write: "We here in the 'Golden West' are also part of Massachusetts and the 21st century. Without high-speed Internet ... there is a negative incentive for businesses to stay or relocate here."

CONNECTIONS: Dangerous liaison with a Shaker elder

Perhaps it was twenty-twenty hindsight, but the entire Shaker community remembered that Offord could not take his eyes off Mabel Franklin; he was bewitched.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.