It is great to see her building upon Smitty Pignatelli’s excellent work in improving emergency medical/ambulance services, and vital for the Berkshires with its aging population.
Steiner board president Tom Sternal said, while some administrators knew the school’s neighbor was considering building a solar array, neither the administration nor the school’s board understood the size and scope of the project until around one week ago.
“Until last week the school did not understand the location, the size, or the timing of the project. We’re just attempting to collect as much information as possible to share with our families, hear their concerns, and work with Kearsarge Energy to bring about a solution.
-- Tom Sternal, president of the board of trustees at the Great Barrington Rudolf Steiner School
Building Inspector Edwin May said the property did not have sufficient frontage for a building lot and is not by right since it sits in a residential/agricultural zone.
Based on the preliminary investigation, the female was traveling at a moderate rate of speed when she failed to negotiate a corner, causing her to strike the tree head on.