Sunday, February 16, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: Washington D.C.

THE OTHER SIDE: Witches burning (Part One)

As we have learned over the centuries, when it comes to burning witches, it doesn’t really matter if you have burned a real witch or just someone who, in your fevered, partisan, and paranoid imagination, could easily become a witch in the future. It is the burning that is the message.

CONNECTIONS: Reimagining the role of police

We in Berkshire are fortunate to look on the recent violence from a distance. However, the suggestions to rethink accountability and reimagine policing may be useful in Berkshire as well.

Poor People’s Campaign ‘a broad and deep national moral fusion movement’

The movement, made up of individuals from all walks of life, hinges on a simple yet staggering fact: There are 140 million poor and low-wealth people in the richest country in the world.

Lenox writer offers video conference writing groups

She credits a previous Lakeville, Connecticut, writing group for inspiring her to start her own. The experience bolstered her confidence, encouraged her to persevere, and helped her to believe that she could indeed be a writer.

Vietnam-era justice versus Trump-era justice

In an interview at his home, local veteran Steve Pullen recalled two significant nights during his service, one in which he lost a significant portion of his hearing, and another when he found himself in a situation that could very well have resulted in his court martial and dishonorable discharge.

BOOK REVIEW: Michael Waldman offers a critical lesson about the struggle over the meaning of ‘The Second Amendment’

As increasing numbers of our friends and neighbors and children die at the hands of those who wield weapons of war, Waldman offers a wise and unfortunately essential look at how we got here.

BOOK REVIEW: ‘Siege’ reveals the constant provocations, never-ending nastiness of the Trump administration

Episode after episode reveals a mean-spirited, self-absorbed bully who doesn’t read, study or listen to anyone who says anything he disagrees with.

Business Briefs: National Dance Presenters’ Forum; Berkshire Bank donates to CDCSB; Fitch Ratings upgrades Kimball Farms; Berkshire United Way community investments

The Community Development Corporation of South Berkshire has announced that the Berkshire Bank Foundation has made a $10,000 grant to the CDCSB.

Samya Rose Stumo Memorial Initiative launched

Thinking about all of the good that would have been done and the lives saved if Stumo had been given a chance to continue her work ultimately fueled the discussion about how to build her legacy.

CAPITAL IDEAS: Buffett-stock and China gets rocked

Dalton -- Berkshire Hathaway, the multinational conglomerate headed by famed investor Warren Buffett, held its annual shareholder meeting this past weekend. It’s like Woodstock for...

South County high school students rail against inaction during ‘youth climate strike’

The South County strike was but one that included thousands of students in Massachusetts and hundreds of thousands across the country who skipped school in order to participate, according to a news release from the Massachusetts Youth Climate Strike.

Caroline Paton, 86, of Sharon, Conn., founder with Sandy Paton and Lee Haggerty of Folk-Legacy Records, now a part of the Smithsonian Institution in...

Over the next 50 years, Caroline and Sandy brought music and joy to thousands through performances, special gatherings, and sales of the traditional and contemporary folk recordings they produced.

Alan Chartock: We have a right to die with dignity

It seems absurd that we will have to use our collective might to lobby the legislature and the governor to give us the right to die. I have seen polls on the issue where support for an individual’s right to die with dignity is overwhelming.

REVIEW: ‘Team of Vipers’ spills secrets, exacts vengeance on fellow members of King’s Court

Is it possible the professed love of God that so many tout these days is akin to a one-way street? The Sessions’ kind of religiosity that permits wrenching immigrant children from the arms of their mothers and Cliff Sims’ ability to jump aboard the Trump Train as he ignores Mr. Trump’s pussy-grabbing sexual assaults, his repeated dalliances while his wife, Melania, was pregnant. Does God actually return the personal relationship favor? I’d like to think God deserves a higher class of devotees.

CONNECTIONS: Affairs of state, or state of affairs

Were we simpler and purer then; were the scandals? Were we more sensitive to over-stepping and wrong-doing, less willing to overlook it and quicker to condemn? Perhaps, but explicit details rouse emotions then and now.

Egremont Green News: Climate activism rising all around us

You don’t have to look far for organizations pushing for solutions—there are lots of exciting opportunities to engage.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.