Sunday, January 26, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: warm

THE OTHER SIDE: The fire this time

Pretty much everything about the human interaction with Los Angeles has brought us a war with nature we seem no longer to be able to win.

NICK DILLER Weather Summary: A warm January 2020

We just experienced one of the warmest January’s in Great Barrington in the last 55 years.

NICK DILLER weather summary: August 2019, warm and dry

August was the third straight with much below average rainfall. The rivers and streams are showing it.

Nick Diller weather summary: December 2018 warmer and wetter than average

That humidity translated into a very wet year with the most precipitation seen in this young century of 63.72 inches, which was nearly 20 inches more than last year and 24 inches more that the drought year of 2016.

Nick Diller weather summary: July 2018 warm and humid

Weather people tell us August will start out the way July ended: warm and humid. My gardens love it!

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But Not To Produce.