Sunday, February 9, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: war

THE OTHER SIDE: Trump woke the world

The new Trumpian America, led by an authentic American "hero," is determined to put others in their place.

‘Lucky Milo’ film to raise awareness of veterans’ lives after war

The filmmakers are embracing the full reality of what happened to Milo Imrie, and very much linking his death to the staggering suicide rate among veterans.

American in Paris: Notre Dame is burning

So many lives and beloved monuments have been lost in the violence of warfare and colonialism, and these losses were never honored.

CONNECTIONS: Lost lessons from the past

My grandfather knew that concentration of power, wealth or resources undermined the rights and the opportunities of the many.

POEM: Syria

In view of Tuesday’s horrific nerve agent attack on civilians in Idib Province and in view of Friday’s missile attack on Syria, we are republishing John Lawson’s poem that we posted in December about the Syrian conflict.

POEM: Anonymous Concrete

Listen to the flag rope hitting the flagpole no flag is in sight and yet we all wave

Horror stories: War correspondent’s ‘Dispatches from Syria’

The Paris-based Middle East editor of Newsweek, Janine di Giovanni has written about atrocities of war from the civilian perspective. She gave a reading from “Dispatches from Syria” at Griffin in Great Barrington on Wednesday (December 28).

TWO POEMS: ‘Syria’ and ‘Grocery List’

Two poems by John K. Lawson, commenting on war and complacency.

ART REVIEW: ‘Winter in America,’ uplifting look at war, violence, alienation

However it is remembered, no one will imagine that this winter in America is a time for complacency or easy answers.

BOOK REVIEW: ‘Remarkable Women of New England’: Personal heroics in wartorn Colonial America

In "Remarkable Women" Carole Owens is able to extrapolate from the formal and often obscure language of court documents and legal filings, the rough and tumble times of illicit sex, greed, land grabbing lawyers, and powerful oligarchies.

South Berkshire Interfaith statement: Support for Muslim brothers and sisters

In their statement the clergy of South Berkshire write: “We weep for the refugees who run from terror and we seek to provide a safe harbor for these innocent families caught in the cross-fires. We recognize that responding to hate with hatred and with fear, only fans the fires of enmity among us.”

SHORT STORY: Letters From Christopher Diamond

He sent me letters from Iraq. He told me stories that seemed he needed to get down on the page or else he would explode.

Theatre: “Margulies’ ‘Time Stands Still’ at Oldcastle: Recording timeless war

Oldcastle has a small hit on its hands and one worth exploring if you like people who are thick with importance without being important themselves.

BOB GRAY: I am the grass

As the grass grows and the poppies blossom, the lessons of history go begging as we blithely repeat our deadly mistakes time-after-time all down the days, all down the years.

Breaking news

As the TV anchors and the experts droned on and on with inane commentary, I wondered how many children in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Libya were being rendered homeless? How many children died of hunger, disease, and exposure while we got to know way too much about the 150 well-fed, adequately clothed, and financially secure people?

Bob Gray: The day after

I just can’t stop thinking of all the good which might be done with simply the eight million dollars this country spends each day for airstrikes against the Islamic State in a “war” which will never be “won” despite all the bombs and the billions of dollars we drop into that black hole.

‘The Stamp Act’: An exhibit protesting continuous war

"The show investigates and documents the apparent American need, or drive, for war, from the day the first settler arrives from elsewhere." -- Writer Phil Johnson

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.