As we have learned over the centuries, when it comes to burning witches, it doesn’t really matter if you have burned a real witch or just someone who, in your fevered, partisan, and paranoid imagination, could easily become a witch in the future. It is the burning that is the message.
He served his patients, who came to his Teaneck office from all over the New York City metropolitan area, until retiring in 2003 and returning to live in his beloved Berkshires.
"I have not talked to a single military officer who would be in favor of pardoning any one of these three…"
-- Gary Solis, a 26 year veteran of the Marine Corp
In an interview at his home, local veteran Steve Pullen recalled two significant nights during his service, one in which he lost a significant portion of his hearing, and another when he found himself in a situation that could very well have resulted in his court martial and dishonorable discharge.
As increasing numbers of our friends and neighbors and children die at the hands of those who wield weapons of war, Waldman offers a wise and unfortunately essential look at how we got here.
It was during an audience with the Dalai Lama the very next month that the Gendlers suggested the Tibetans might have more success if they learned new ways to struggle nonviolently.
Forty-eight years after the Kent State shootings, Crosby is once again compelled to speak out against government policies and actions that are grossly at odds with American values and the rule of law.
Despite the schools’ regionalization at the start of the 1967-68 academic year, Monument Mountain Regional High School was not ready to be occupied. As a result, juniors and seniors were assigned to one of the two high schools—Searles in Great Barrington or Williams in Stockbridge—depending on which courses they had signed up for.
"When the government doesn't tell the truth, begins to twist the truth, hide the truth, then the journalist becomes involuntarily infinitely more important."
-- New York Times journalist David Halberstam
He worked for Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation in Stratford, Connecticut, as a parts coordinator for over 15 years and then as a veteran employment administrator for Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs, retiring in 2009.