Saturday, February 8, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: United States

I WITNESS: Erasing democracy is easier than you think

Donald Trump is a zero-sum kind of a guy. He only feels that he has won if everyone else loses, and in order for everyone to lose, they have to be destroyed.

Mass Shootings: The most obvious manifestation of a much larger problem

It would appear to be quite sensible to regulate guns as we regulate autos and their drivers ... and it would seem quite reasonable to require guns to be insured, at least for liabilities.

Alan Chartock: A charm of Democrats seek presidential nomination

It is possible that Gillibrand believes that if she pursues the nomination, she will be the veep choice. That way, if she runs with one of the octogenarians, Bernie or Joe, she could end up on top after one term.

CONNECTIONS: America’s core values: A refresher

Those focused on the job and intent on completing the work assigned to them, those working for benefit of others and without an undue need to take a bow or toot a horn, those are the ones with the confidence to allow for others to thrive.

‘This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land’

On this Fourth of July -- especially on this Fourth of July -- Woody Guthrie reminds us of the true spirit of America. Here's Woody singing his ballad, as well as Pete Seeger and Arlo Guthrie with a recent rendition.

ORANGE ALERT: The (almost) daily outrage

In a pair of early-morning tweets, Mr. Trump suggested that he would not have to pardon himself because he had “done nothing wrong." -- Michael D. Shear, New York Times

POEM: Naughty Donnie!

Jon Swan's poem about the relationship between Trump and Putin that may not speak its name.

Commentary: Immigrant dreams

It’s time we faced the fact that We the People of these United States are a blended family of stepchildren and adoptees.

Uncle Sam’s policy of Fickle Friendship: Two test cases

With a friend like the United States, what freedom-loving people – from the native tribes of New England to the self-liberated people of the Philippines – needed an enemy?

CONNECTIONS: American tradition of perverting democracy

Sad but true: by our democratic process, we elected and continue to elect representatives who seek to pervert or suppress our democratic process.

Smoke signals from The Swamp: F.O.R. – Part I: Tillerson & ExxonMobil

I’m not going to be the one to tell you Russia picked Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton. But the combined intelligence services of our government will.

POEM: Syria

In view of Tuesday’s horrific nerve agent attack on civilians in Idib Province and in view of Friday’s missile attack on Syria, we are republishing John Lawson’s poem that we posted in December about the Syrian conflict.

POEM: Taking a Spin in a Fine-Tuned Machine

Treating the rules of the road with executive scorn, he gives the finger to drivers and leans on his horn

CONNECTIONS: Survival of the wealthiest

Rev. Henry Ward Beecher wedded the science of social Darwinism to the church, and helped obliterate criticism of the Gilded Age’s excessively disproportionate distribution of wealth. He justified the rich to their riches and blamed the poor for their poverty.

Connect the Dots: Obama … Russia … Putin … Trump … Election

If this feels distressing and repugnant, remember that for decades the U.S. surreptitiously meddled in regime support and change in sovereign nations around the world.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.