Launched by Fairview Hospital’s critical care nurses in an effort to raise awareness of heart disease, Heart Night is designed to give participants their own working plans for heart health and better health in the coming year.
The Unitarian Universalist Church will present Pittsfield’s first transgender youth art show, “Self Made Human” by Hunter Schrade, a selection of acrylic and oil paintings that chronicle Schrade's transgender journey.
The 'Bach and More' concert will feature James Bagwell conducting an ensemble of 12 a cappella voices in sacred and secular music from the early Baroque period.
Through the lens of national security and global stability, “Age of Consequences” looks at the impacts of climate change on increased resource scarcity and migration.
Berkshire Botanical Garden has partnered with area historic homes Chesterwood, Naumkeag, Frelinghuysen Morris House and Studio, Olana, and the Mount to provide inspiration to artists entering the Grow Show’s floral design and photography divisions.
Rainbow Seniors of Berkshire County will launch two new monthly meetings of its program serving the social and cultural needs of the county's LGBTQ senior citizens.
"How Could You Forget Your Own Mother?" is the story of a young woman whose land has been threatened by ecological devastation caused by a fracking company that bought rights to her land.
The historic property of Montgomery Place in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, part of Bard College since 2016, encompasses over 300 acres and features notable architecture, richly furnished interiors, exceptional vistas, orchards, woodland trails and gardens.
'XXYY' is a poetic and otherworldly dance-theater event exploring the multiplicities of the gender spectrum while deconstructing the conventional binaries of male and female.
Timothy Snyder's talk will look at the structural causes for how Hitler’s ideology could and can function, and how similar risks might be faced today due to climate change and state collapse.
Tyler Soleau, Community Outreach Director of Energy and Climate at Acadia Center, will present EnergyVision, a roadmap for how Massachusetts can achieve deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions through a transformation of its energy systems.
In Boston, Alsop will deliver a letter he's carried from the Berkshires in a quest for a clean Housatonic River, free of the PCBs that GE dumped there years ago.
According to the Food Bank Coalition, more than 12 percent of Massachusetts residents are “food insecure,” facing regular uncertainty as to where their next meal will come from.
With housing in Leeds and Pittsfield, Massachusetts, Soldier On provides emergency and transitional housing to 250 veterans, as well as case management.