Former Vice President Joe Biden campaigned last week in Kingston, N.Y., on behalf of Democrat Antonio Delgado who is seeking to unseat Republican Congressman John Faso in the NY19 district bordering the Berkshires in New York State.
In a new video ad, “Make You Sick,” released this week by the Catskills Freedom Network, animated rapper DJ Faso again turns the tables on the real Faso, imagining him as a rapper trying to explain his betrayal to his voters.
Delgado will be the first Hispanic major party nominee for the district. He’s running on a simple message of fighting for health care and economic opportunities for workers.
In his letter to the editor, Bobby Houston writes: “The best way to actually reclaim New York is to vote out the Trump toady, John Faso, elect somebody who doesn't take huge donations from hate-money billionaires “
Reclaim New York Communications Director Doug Kellogg writes: "Reclaim New York is a civic organization that is committed to fact-based research and growing a broad dialogue about public policy issues."
Reclaim asks its audience to believe in its cause, but expects blind faith in the assumption that all local governments are deeply corrupt. “They have taken a great tool, the Freedom of Information Law, and weaponized it."
-- Michael Kink, executive director of Strong Economy for All Coalition
On Friday, June 2, Indivisible Chatham will be hosting a mock town hall on women’s rights in front of Republican Congressman John Faso’s house in Kinderhook. Can a motivated group of dismayed activists grow their grassroots movement into a coalition capable of winning elections? “It’s easier to resist when all the cards are against you, it’s very motivating. Now we just have to win some elections.” -- Indivisible Chatham, N.Y., founder Alan Gelb
March 24 may be the date that made him a one-term Congressman. With his abrupt decision to support the American Health Care Act, the freshman Republican congressman from Kinderhook engaged in a stunning series of betrayals.