“I worry about what happens to our students when their leaders lose sight of whom they serve," said Du Bois Middle School Spanish teacher Mercedes Girona. “I understand that there are budget cuts, but I feel like there needs to be a little bit more humanity."
Spiro Agnew countered that the investigation was a “witch hunt.” The investigators were “liberals and biased.” Loudly, Agnew argued that the allegations were false, politically motivated and a sitting vice president could not be indicted.
Jim was an architect behind Sheraton’s transformation into a world-class organization, expanding its hotel management operations and property investments throughout North America, Asia and Europe.
After retiring, Jan continued his woodworking interests, served as a volunteer Stockbridge firefighter, volunteered as a videographer for local cable television and was a member of the Lion’s Club.
Norton worked as a chef at the New Boston Inn from 1946 to 1949; as a private chef for Mrs. Ethel Perkins from 1951 to 1962 in Sandisfield and Lawrence; and for 15 years as a chef at the A. Holly Patterson Home for the Aged in Uniondale, New York, retiring in 1977.
Michael’s most recent photographic honors include receiving honorable mention for "Mako Sica" at the juried exhibition "Art of the Hills" on display through Labor Day at the Berkshire Museum.
The family moved the Dempsey's Garage business to Great Barrington in 1937, operating on Railroad Street until 1947 when Mr. Dempsey and his brother, Matthew J. Dempsey Jr., took over the business and moved it to 42 Bridge St.
This time, thankfully, the free press that our president mocks day after day as fake gave us the chance to hear firsthand from these mothers and fathers and their children, to see for ourselves the cages the children were sent to and to hear their cries.
Last month, the board of trustees of the town's libraries endorsed the idea of putting a statue of the scholar, civil rights leader and Great Barrington native in front of the Mason Library on Main Street in the center of town. The project can only move forward if sufficient funds are raised and the Historic District Commission and the selectboard approve.
In 1957, the family moved to Sheffield where they owned and operated the Undermountain Orchards in Sheffield and later the Sheffield Flower and Garden Shop and Sheffield Landscape Contracting.
He was profoundly committed to social justice throughout his life, most actively so during the 1960s when he participated in the iconic March on Washington in August 1963 and in a demonstration in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, for which he was briefly jailed.