Neal was eager to talk about the $2 trillion stimulus bill, which includes almost $900 billion to businesses small and large, $560 billion to individuals, almost $440 billion to state and local governments, and more than $153 billion to hospitals and "public health."
Not long after that encounter with Burr, letters from Barnabas to Mary began to include details of the suspected attempt by Burr to cede the Louisiana Purchase and create a country over which he could rule.
In a letter to the editor, Michael Wise writes: "Warren will not only unify the Democrats, but she will also appeal to independents and good-government traditional Republicans."
Chris Gibson did not burn any bridges as he moved from the world of politics into academia. But unlike so many denizens of the congressional deep, his honor is intact.
According to reports from members of Congress, the briefing regarding what appears to be an illegal act of war on a foreign government was full of holes.
In a letter to the editor, Gary Pitney writes, "The Republican Congress and its leaders have become the masters of sophistry, obfuscation and equivocation."
Lorinda was the first woman elected to the Unites States Telephone Association board of directors as well as chairperson of USTA’s Government Relations Committee, testifying on behalf of the telecommunications industry before the U.S. Congress, receiving an award from USTA for her service.
In a letter to the editor, Rene Wood writes: "If we don’t have enough census workers, it’s likely everyone who needs to be counted in the 2020 Census won’t be. Each of us and our towns will lose out on our fair representation in Congress and at our Statehouse."
It was, in its way, a precursor of the Civil War. The intensity of the fight for one side to preserve its wealth, power and way of life cannot be overstated.
If America is an would be in the interest of anyone who wanted to weaken America to weaken the public’s understanding of, and trust and belief in, that idea.