Tuesday, February 18, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: turkey

CONNECTIONS: In this fraught time, focus locally

It is important for us to feel relevant at a time when it is easy to feel small and impotent.

Nick Diller weather summary: November 2019 coldest of this century

Who would have thought that the month would go like it did when the high hit 71 on the 1st?

The Self-Taught Gardener: Giving thanks

As we celebrate the season's bounty at our Thanksgiving table, our Self-Taught Gardener Lee Buttala is thinking about the alternative feast going on outdoors.

ORANGE ALERT: The (almost) daily outrage

Trump downplayed the alliance with the Kurds, 11,000 of whom died fighting to help the U.S. mission against ISIS.

ORANGE ALERT: The (almost) daily outrages

Donald Trump has reiterated his doubts about climate change, suggesting that the climate could “change back again.” and that climate scientists are politically motivated.

Smoke Signals from the Swamp: The fall of Flynn

General Flynn is inextricably woven into the story of Donald Trump and Russia. And nothing reveals the important role he has played more clearly than the efforts President Trump made to convince FBI Director James Comey not to dig too deeply into what Flynn might have done.

COOK’S CORNER: Grilling the Thanksgiving turkey

Cook the bird on the grill. Once you do, you will never cook it in the oven again. The flavor will be awesome! Trust me!

LEONARD QUART: Yellow Cab Blues

The drivers speak of leaving behind countries where political corruption and violence are rife. 

Lulu ‘n’ Hershey

The refugee Lulu 'n' Hershey rescued from their Cafe Perspectivo's dumpster has a morbid tale to tell.

Bits & Bytes: ‘Small works’ at Lauren Clark; GrillerDiller recipe; Beekman Boys

"I like to spend my time surrounded by beautiful things of my choosing. The gallery is my work of art; but always a work in progress." -- Lauren Clark

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.