Walking the snowy path to the woodshed when the temperature was 12 degrees below zero, with added 20-miles-per-hour winds, I quickly sensed the sting of cold on my legs through usually reliable layers of fine wool leggings underneath heavy wool trousers.
That humidity translated into a very wet year with the most precipitation seen in this young century of 63.72 inches, which was nearly 20 inches more than last year and 24 inches more that the drought year of 2016.
For delight, add to winter at its most visually captivating the flurry of a diversity of birds winging in for high energy food at the most modest, or lavish, of bird feeders.
An article in the Washington Post sited high Atlantic Ocean temperatures in the 70s and 80s as the reason for the extreme humid conditions this summer.
Temperatures showed just a half degree below average with a high-low of 77 and 54 that was one half degree below average and ninth coolest June overall.