“The strings of the heart” is artistic director Allyn Burrows’ concept theme for the summer and he has chosen a quartet of very contemporary plays to flesh out the idea.
Inspired by the exclusion of Du Bois from the region’s cultural history, 'Beyond the Veil' examines racism in the higher echelons of society and ponders what would happen if the racial veil were lifted and two iconoclasts could see each other clearly.
This is a very odd play based on a very curious concept and the ultimate scene is one in which changes and modifications of reality come glaringly across the stage leaving only the wonder of how it all happened lying bare naked on the floor.
When I had read the script, I noticed that it never referenced theoretical physicist Werner Heisenberg or his uncertainty principle, yet its two characters lurch from one idea and one place to another with striking uncertainty.
Money School is an award-winning financial independence initiative designed to create long-term safety and economic security for survivors of domestic or sexual violence.
Tackling this play, including editing it cleanly, is an achievement, one that director Tina Packer has undertaken nobly and completed successfully. I would not have missed this for anything.
“Lovers' Spat: Shakespeare's Famous Couples’ Encounters” will include scenes between Shakespearean characters Beatrice and Benedict, Oberon and Titania, Romeo and Juliet, Hermia and Lysander, Kate and Hotspur, Kate and Petruchio, Richard and Lady Anne and more.
Not your usual rendition of the play, this edition allows for imagination and nuanced creations and provides for the romantic nature of the play over the concept of prejudice and hatred that so often colors the work.