Valkyrie will have to go through the site-plan review process with the town planning board and negotiate a host community agreement with the selectboard.
After the motion to place him on leave passed, Skorput resigned and walked angrily out of the meeting room in Town Hall, followed by other fire department members and supporters.
When selectboard Chair Steve Bannon opened the floor to comments from the audience, most seemed to agree that, in addition to placing restrictions on the stores, the larger question remains about what kind of image the tourism-minded town wants to project.
Interestingly, the need for more space was not factor in the move. The new space will actually be comparable in size to the Barrington Plaza store, which occupies two storefronts.
This survey of a portion of Great Barrington's rich catalogue of historic buildings was a significant undertaking for the Historical Commission. It provides the town with the first of a series of reports that provide documentation of sites worthy of preserving and those potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.
At Monday's Great Barrington Selectboard meeting at the Claire Teague Senior Center, concerns ranged from traffic, speeding, and the impact the closure of the Division Street and Cottage Street bridges are having on businesses and residents alike.
Police Chief Bill Walsh, along with Sgt. Paul Storti, presented a recently designed strategic enforcement plan to the selectboard Monday night at the Claire Teague Senior Center.
New zoning bylaws would prevent some cannabis retailers from opening merely by restricting the number of available locations. On the other hand, a policy from the selectboard placing a numerical limit would clearly prevent more retailers from opening.