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It seems to me that we may have won a minor skirmish in this matter, but the battle is not over. There is still a lot of work to do before we arrive at a point where the citizens of Great Barrington are guaranteed the right to self-determination on the issue of horse racing.
During the campaign stop, Kennedy spoke about the need for increased economic justice, civil rights, and more equitable healthcare, among other issues. He did not mention Sen. Markey during his remarks.
In her letter Marnie Meyers writes: “A return of horseracing to Great Barrington would bring gambling elements, snarled traffic, environmental damage, and the cruel use of horses back to that wonderful town.”
“Senator Hinds’ willingness to stand with his constituents is highly commendable and his removal of his name from S101 is significant.”
-- Great Barrington Selectboard member Leigh Davis
“I have a child who was born here, but as immigrants -- the way we look, the way we sound -- sometimes we feel scared because even if we're here as citizens, I feel like anything can happen to us.”
-- Maria, an immigrant from El Salvador
The funding is intended to help school districts with low population densities and lower-than-average incomes address fiscal challenges and take steps to improve efficiency.
Skeptics of the Berkshire Flyer weekend-only, tourist-oriented concept support instead a daily passenger rail service from New York's Grand Central Terminal via Connecticut and up through the Housatonic Valley to the Berkshires that would include four stations in Berkshire County: Sheffield; Great Barrington; Lee; and the terminus at the Intermodal Transportation Center in Pittsfield.
The Egremont Historical Commission thought it fitting to give the school’s new teacher a piece of 100-year-old chalk found in the walls of the Egremont Village School to start her off.
The legislation creates a framework in which eligible voters will be automatically registered to vote when receiving services from the Registry of Motor Vehicles, MassHealth and other participating state agencies.
Gwendolyn has done so much work to promote understanding and inclusion, to address racism, and bridge the divides that plague us to this day.”
— State Sen. Adam Hinds
When children’s needs for comfort and connection are not addressed, their confusion and desperation can lead to lasting emotional and social deterioration.
“The opportunity to leap forward into the next generation of what advanced manufacturing and life sciences is going to be all about, and to be able to build on a history and a knowledge base that already exists here … is a very real and significant one.”
-- Gov. Charlie Baker, during the presentation of the future Berkshire Innovation Center in Pittsfield