Friday, February 7, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: Springfield

Fighting a hate with no boundaries: Jewish Federation of the Berkshires looking for support in its ‘Hate has no home here’ campaign

"We also know that hate never travels alone," Jewish Federation of the Berkshires Executive Director Dara Kaufman told The Berkshire Edge. "We’re in a community where if you stand up for one, you stand up for all."

Reformer Judith Knight running for Berkshire County District Attorney ‘to get real change’

A Lee resident, Knight has, since 2006, been in private practice in Great Barrington. About 80 percent of her practice has been in criminal defense, with most of the remainder of her practice in mediation.

State DEP issues ‘unilateral administrative order’ against Housatonic Water Works

Housatonic Water Works Co-owner Jim Mercer explained that there is no threat to public health. Nor does the unilateral administrative order from DEP state that there is such a threat.

U.S. Rep. Neal’s Democratic opponent styles herself a ‘problem solver’

Amatul-Wadud is running for Congress to address what she believes are some hard truths about the living conditions in the district that Rep. Neal and others won’t talk about.

SUSTAINABLE BERKSHIRES: Beyond the pretty picture: Challenges facing dairy farmers in the Berkshires deepen

May marked the 42nd consecutive month that Northeast farms have earned less for their milk than it costs to produce it. That’s 42 straight months of operating at a loss. The New England dairy farmer may well be an endangered species.

Markey, Warren and Neal demand Charter restore Massachusetts channels

"Without these stations, Berkshire County residents lose access to Massachusetts-specific information that matters to them, including Boston sports and news from their state capital, which is not reported on by an Albany station in New York." U.S. Sen. Ed Markey, in a letter to Charter-Spectrum

News Brief: Hinds foresees economic benefits to western Mass. rail initiative

"[The] announcement, paired with the ongoing efforts to prepare for a pilot season of Berkshire FLYER service shows that we’re positioning the Berkshires and western Mass. for positive economic growth." -- Sen. Adam Hinds, D-Pittsfield

Bottled-water ban should focus on all plastics, not just water bottles

In a letter to the editor, Janis Bosworth Graham-Jones writes, "The single, most effective thing a consumer can do to reduce plastic pollution of our environment is to ensure that any used plastic container enters the recycling chain directly from their hand.​"

News Brief: Congressional Art Competition entries on display

The exhibition will remain up through this weekend and the winner will be announced next week.

CONNECTIONS: All the news that fits — on a broadsheet

The Berkshire history broadsheets are well laid out, richly illustrated and bursting with “news.” The first broadsheet covers 39 years, 1761–1800. The next covered 25 years, 1800–25.

Springfield attorney challenges U.S. Rep. Neal from the left, points to ‘open secrets’ about his donors

There is a reason Amatul-Wadud cares so much about people. It's because, as a lawyer specializing in probate, families, custody and visitation rights, "I get to see people in their most intimate spaces."

A reformer, Andrea Harrington, running for district attorney; questions raised about Capeless’ tactics

As Harrington sees it, trying cases against defendants is not the only relevant experience that qualifies one to be a prosecutor. Her extensive experience as a defense attorney, for example, has given her a clear-eyed and detached view of the criminal justice system.

Bits & Bytes: ThinkFOOD conference; Berkshire Pulse duo in Baltimore; ‘Close Look: Mapping Stories’

The daylong ThinkFOOD conference at Simon's Rock will explore the theme “The Future of Farming: Democratizing the Food System.”

Patricia New, 66, of Springfield, valedictorian at Monument Mountain in 1969

Her career included being a piano teacher; the organist and choir director at St. Peter’s Church, Great Barrington; mathematics and computer teacher at Berkshire Country Day School; computer programmer at Geary Corporation and more.

Ruth Gillette, 92, of Sheffield, former assessor for the town of Sheffield

On May 12, 1992, she was elected chairman of the Sheffield Assessors office and held this designation for 13 years until July 5, 2005.

Berkshire rep added to key state transport panel; study on Pittsfield-to-New-York rail link chugging along

Reps. William 'Smitty' Pignatelli and John Barrett worked to lobby Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito, who agreed to place a Berkshire County resident on the commission.

Minor Haskell, 80, of Lenox

Minor was employed at in the maintenance department at Kripalu in Lenox. He enjoyed bowling at Ken’s Bowl and golfing at Pontoosuc, and he loved camping.

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