To be eligible for an award, a farm must have gross sales of $10,000 or above, and be a member of either Berkshire Grown or Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture or located in one the four counties of Western Massachusetts.
Recipients will be called the Chang-Chavkin Scholars after Arnie Chavkin and Laura Chang, founders and funders of the program and part-time residents of New Marlborough.Students selected will receive a total of $60,000, $15,000 per year for all four years of college.
At the Oct. 26 W.E.B. Du Bois lecture Smith College Professor and author Paula J. Giddings will discuss early civil rights leader and anti-lynching crusader Ida B. Wells.
She graduated from Smith College, where she majored in American Studies and was trained as a classical singer with a minor in music. She then completed her Masters in social work at the University of Connecticut and worked in various local schools and hospitals as a licensed clinical therapist.
Alice retired as vice president in the mortgage department of the Great Barrington Savings, the first female to hold a senior position in the 100-year history of the bank.
CHP Board of Directors has hired Lia Spiliotes, a partner and senior advisor in Cambridge Management Group to fill the gap left by the resignation of former Director Bryan Ayars.
Joan travelled extensively, was an accomplished pianist and for many years she was a Guild Member of the Metropolitan Opera in New York City, and enjoyed bringing family and friends whenever she could.
Her love of flying would take her all over New England and she often stated that flying gave her the greatest sense of accomplishment and joy.