Twenty-five antiques dealers will be spread out on the Great Barrington Historical Society’s lawns, and the expanded Book Nook will be loaded with rare magazine issues, old volumes and lots of cheap books.
Adhering to the concept of 'participation is preservation,' the Northeast Fiddlers’ Convention will feature the Down Hill Strugglers with John Cohen as the host musicians
“Our day is about collaborating — in particular the collaboration of farmers,” said Barbara Zheutlin, executive director of Berkshire Grown, to an impressive group of participants who gathered at Sky View Farm in Sheffield to kick off the day-long farm tour.
The fine woodwork show will feature designs by professional woodworkers from throughout the Berkshires; Columbia County, New York; and surrounding areas.
Big Elm Brewing will host “Hopped Up for Health” Saturday, June 16, beginning at 9 a.m. for all who would like to run, walk or bike in support of Volunteers in Medicine Berkshires.
According to neuroscientist Paul Lennard, playing an instrument or listening to music can morphologically and functionally change the brains, both in the short and long terms.