FODfest concerts are a living demonstration of the power of music to connect people, generating a sense of community and often serving as a call to action for individuals and communities to discover common ground.
The original 1969 homesite dedication was deemed so controversial, in part because of Du Bois' embrace of communism late in his life, that no town officials attended the event.
In addition to his long professional career at Austen Riggs, Dr. Eric Plakun is also a leader in organized psychiatry and psychoanalysis, the author of more than 50 publications, a member of several journal editorial boards, and a past member of the Harvard clinical faculty.
Speakers Leah Penniman and Ed Whitfield are doing work that builds on Du Bois’ legacy — his commitment to black economic development, cooperative structures and fair access to land.
In her talk at St. James Place, Mary Berry will address the topics of what it will take for farmers to be able to afford to farm well, and how to become a culture that supports good farming and land use.
Starring Kim Novak, James Stewart, Barbara Bel Geddes, Tom Helmore and Ellen Corby, “Vertigo” is considered one of Alfred Hitchcock’s greatest cinematic achievements.
“We have a shot at stopping some pretty extreme behavior at the end of the cannibal or the 'wendigo' economy. And that is, in my estimation, a great spiritual opportunity for us all.” -- Winona LaDuke
Ward’s isn’t just one of the oldest businesses in Great Barrington; it was also one of the first to accept BerkShares when the currency launched in 2006.
“Choosing the Path That Is Green” will be delivered by activist, community economist, author and member of the Ojibwe Nation of the Anishinaabe peoples Winona LaDuke.
David Bollier is an author, activist, blogger and independent scholar with a primary focus on the commons as a new paradigm for economics, politics and culture.
"This fair will showcase key organizations, sustainable businesses, and empowered individuals in the Berkshires who are creating a livable future–one that is healthier, more prosperous for everyone, and more socially connected." -- Judy Eddy
On Sunday, November 15 the Schumacher Center for a New Economics will present Cuban author Rafael Hernández for a talk entitled “Cuba in Changing Time.”
Both Savory and Smith have developed agricultural models based on natural systems which offer methods for farming with the potential to fix carbon, clean waters, and produce food more abundantly.