Donald Trump is a zero-sum kind of a guy. He only feels that he has won if everyone else loses, and in order for everyone to lose, they have to be destroyed.
In his letter to the editor, John Hart of Stockbridge writes: "There are many in town who would like to see changes ... to the current style of policing, the cost of this policing and many other issues."
In his letter to the editor, Rich Bradway writes: "To say that our Select Board is working outside of the law or is not being transparent is either a lie or an accusation that is not backed up by facts."
Usually, the so-called “baby” town meeting attracts little attention and less attendance. This year, however, the session was far from routine, very contentious, and packed with concerned citizens. The Town Hall conference room was jammed to capacity with more than 100 residents, and if this session were any indicator, next week’s May 18 Annual Town Meeting could be a real donnybrook.