Tuesday, February 18, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

HomeTagsRichard Nixon

Tag: Richard Nixon

CONNECTIONS: In this fraught time, focus locally

It is important for us to feel relevant at a time when it is easy to feel small and impotent.

AMPLIFICATIONS: Freedom of the press in danger

I believe a lot of young people are ignorant as to what we could lose in this land of ours should the Trump conservatives roll back all the protections and programs which so many of us take for granted.

CONNECTIONS: Truth or consequences

That was the reason our Founding Fathers divided power among three co-equal branches and gave to each the power of checking the other—it was the safeguard against autocracy.

CONNECTIONS: Tales of corruption, past and present

Spiro Agnew countered that the investigation was a “witch hunt.” The investigators were “liberals and biased.” Loudly, Agnew argued that the allegations were false, politically motivated and a sitting vice president could not be indicted.

CONNECTIONS: Waiting for impeachment

Might not public hearings commence so we as a nation can come together, experience the presentation of evidence, and agree on the necessity to bring a charge (impeachment) or the lack of justification for impeachment? Every report ends with the words “we must wait for Mueller.” Must we?

Alan Chartock: Wait for 2020 to be rid of Trump

To attempt an impeachment now will just create a firestorm among the Trump true believers that will last for decades.

Republican derangement: A party I respected has gone off the cliff

I grew up among virtuous Republicans inspired by what was best in the New England's Puritan tradition. That party is now gone.

NEWS ANALYSIS: In the Berkshires, what a difference a year makes for Senator Warren

Warren adopted a new speaking tactic and abandoned her previous style. Instead she embraced the well-worn path of a campaigner—making a more cynical appeal for quick applause by promising to fight the Republicans and leaving the details of that fight for another day.

COMMENTARY: Trick or treat

The extended display of pre-election costumes and shenanigans make the dirty tricks of Richard Nixon's Watergate era seem like child's play.

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