I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, folks, but Donald Trump doesn’t even want to shake your hands, let alone invite you to Mar-a-Lago for a Diet Coke and a Big Mac.
A common complaint among employees of the district and their families was that district officials did not adequately consult with faculty and staff about what was needed in terms of design and the accommodation of innovative curriculum, for example.
The largest incentive (up to 6 additional percentage points) to increase state reimbursement lies in the formation of a new school district as part of the building project. That incentive might resonate with South County residents because of declining enrollments.
Berkshire Hills’ director of operations Steven Soule will once again assess the condition of 50-year-old Monument Mountain Regional High School and draft the statement, which will explain a number of deficiencies including 'building condition, access, health and safety, as well as deficiencies for instructional programs, especially science and career and technical facilities.'
In her letter to the editor, Rebecca Gold of Great Barrington writes: “If Question #2 passes, more charter schools will be allowed to open and millions of taxpayer money will be siphoned away from our public schools.”
In her letter to the editor, Rebecca Gold writes: “Allocating taxes fairly is an adult problem and children should not be punished for a problem that adults haven't been able to fix.”
It is a particularly nasty stretch. There are several intersections, so amid speeding cars are those that also slow down to make turns onto streets or into driveways. It is a hair-raising area in which to be on foot due to both high speeds and low visibility from a curve to the north — just before the Castle Street intersection -- that often features cars barreling down the hill from Alford Road, making crossing the street dangerous.