Why Are We Striking?
Because we are hoping for change in our world. We are not striking because it is what we should do, but because it’s what we have to do. We now have no choice.
-- Danny C.
In addition to the Simon's Rock students, the protest included approximately 300 other people, including students from Berkshire Country Day, the Berkshire Waldorf School and Monument Mountain Regional High School.
In her letter to the editor, Joanne Rogovin writes: "An estimated 500 men, women and children filled the hill next to the GB shrubbery, protesting the separation and detention of children and families at the Mexican border."
“I feel safe because our community isn’t a place where this could happen. Then again, many communities feel that way. And then it happens.” -- Taylor Slonaker, MMRHS junior
Filmmaker Ben Hillman, accompanying a contingent of Berkshire County residents, recorded the Women’s March this past weekend in New York City that protested the Trump administration’s policies toward immigrants, the environment, women’s rights, and Trump’s threat to the integrity of democracy. Here is the video report, narrated by Jim Frangione.
Trump made no mention that the violence in Charlottesville was initiated by white supremacists brandishing anti-Semitic placards, Confederate battle flags, torches and a few Trump campaign signs.
When hauled off in a sheriff’s cruiser for trespassing
she was asked how many times she’s been arrested,
“Not enough” she boomed to the forest and the birds.
“I want to raise the idea of conservation and civil disobedience. This is a symbol of our resistance and our resolve to stop this.”
--- Sugar Shack Alliance member Will Elwell
Along with hundreds of thousands of people all over the United States and elsewhere in the world, local protestors will be demanding that Donald Trump release his tax returns once and for all.
Berkshire Theatre Group Artistic Associate David Adkins reads from Henry David Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience.”
“We do not discriminate. Our buildings are sanctuaries for everyone to tell their stories. We do not discriminate in which stories we will tell, which culture we may seek to know.”
--- BTG Artistic Director Kate Maguire