Donald Trump is a zero-sum kind of a guy. He only feels that he has won if everyone else loses, and in order for everyone to lose, they have to be destroyed.
It is not without some irony that the town of Stockbridge, which harbors such an incredible history, has failed on so many occasions to preserve the symbols of that history.
A police officer is still a man, a woman, a person; one capable of error, of fun, of love, of joy, and also susceptible to heartbreak just as Ryan Storti’s brothers at the Great Barrington Police Department are now.
Dozens of officers from other departments around the region, local state police and honor guards, came to give Officer Ryan Storti proper police recognition.
Ryan took great pride in his work and believed strongly in the idea of being a Community Policeman. Ryan would always go above and beyond to help someone in need, especially if that person were a child.
At the end of the day our buildings are the repositories of our memories; they are the point of departure for telling our story. If you think the story worth telling then the building is worth saving.