Even though I consider it a goofy, boring waste of time, it has been difficult for me to understand why the federal government has been in such a lather about TikTok.
The Clark barn is one of only three 18th-century barns remaining in Richmond. Of the three, the Clark barn is the best-preserved in terms of overall original condition according to national timber-framed building expert Jack Sobon, who dated the structure to approximately 1795.
Hotel on North is the recipient of a 2016 Massachusetts Historical Commission Preservation Award in the category of Adaptive Reuse for the rehabilitation and restoration of the Burns Block and New Burns Block as Hotel on North.
The Center for Food Studies at Bard College at Simon's Rock will hold its annual ThinkFOOD conference on Saturday, April 9, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Kellogg Music Center.