Robinson is deeply rooted in bebop, swing, and classic jazz traditions, often channeling the influence of players like Lester Young and Coleman Hawkins.
In a letter to the editor, Mae Whaley writes, "As much as it is necessary for us to stay aware of the overt ways in which police departments across the country are contributing to racism, we cannot allow the constant images and videos of tear gas, rubber bullets and concussion grenades to lower our standards for how we expect our police to behave."
Obviously, beginning in 1960, the Supreme Court thought that freedom of the press was so important that, while someone might be hurt by the ruling, it was nonetheless worth it.
“By next Friday, every school kid in America will have experienced at least three events where they have no doubt wondered how long they must endure the tolerance for guns that has torn apart the fabric of this country and endangered their lives.”
-- Documentary filmmaker Bobby Houston, on the screening of his film 'The Children's March'
A police officer is still a man, a woman, a person; one capable of error, of fun, of love, of joy, and also susceptible to heartbreak just as Ryan Storti’s brothers at the Great Barrington Police Department are now.
In his letter to the editor, Robert H. Jones Jr. of Stockbridge writes: “We [the voters] are reminders to local officials as to their true purpose: to follow the law and to reflect the will of their constituents.”
In her letter to the editor, Georgeanne Rousseau of Stockbridge writes: "Does Stockbridge, as Chief Eaton asserts, really need increased law enforcement, and are all the lights and sirens, so intrusive to Town life, truly necessary?"