Sunday, October 13, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: police chief

THE OTHER SIDE: It doesn’t matter if you won or lost

The Declaration of Independence makes crystal clear that the Founders fought for the proposition “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed …” Having lost the 2020 election, Donald Trump became the first president in our history to oppose the peaceful transfer of power and to try, in...

Gary Mitchell, 73, police officer in Richmond, West Stockbridge and Sheffield

Gary attended Springfield Technical Community College where he earned his Associate's Degree in Law Enforcement.

Albert Theriault, 77, of Becket

He was last employed at Pioneers Dairy for seven years until retiring in 2000. He was chief of police in Becket from 1972 until 1976.

March against PCB dumps should not have to pay town fees

In her letter to the editor, Pooja Prema writes: "To ask the people of Great Barrington to pay for protesting an ongoing ecological atrocity that was committed by corporate greed – to put the bill on citizens instead of taking up the responsibility as a town government – is both ridiculous and shameful."

After 2 years, Stockbridge Police Chief Robert Eaton moves on

Stockbridge Selectmen have yet to receive a letter of resignation, but “our board will have something to say,” according to Selectman Steve Shatz.

Stockbridge police chief contract needs revision

In his letter to the editor, John Hart of Stockbridge writes: "There are many in town who would like to see changes ... to the current style of policing, the cost of this policing and many other issues."

Time to set things right in Stockbridge

In her letter to the editor, Mary Hart of Stockbridge writes: "Well, there comes a time when we need to do what is right and a time to stand up for what we believe in. I think that is the time, again. We have another 'fence issue'."

Connections: Racial conflict in Great Barrington — in 1893

The police were credited with coming and breaking it up, and yet, after they arrived one black man was “used pretty roughly.” When it was over, the white community was angry that the Blacks, clearly the perpetrators in their opinion, were not arrested. The Black community was angry that a young Black man was injured with police present, and perhaps, by the police.

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