Sunday, January 19, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: planets

THE OTHER SIDE: Felonious Don

As we take a look at how it is that litigation against Donald Trump has ended in a whimper, let’s try and find the smallest bit of solace amongst the ruins of diminished expectations.

EYES TO THE SKY: Planets through the night — a picture guide

Mars and Saturn are at their brightest and visible from nightfall until before dawn. On May 30, Mars orbits closest to Earth.

EYES TO THE SKY: Heavenly halos with sundogs

Lore has it that the name sundog derives from the sense that the swatch of color is tethered to the sun, like a dog on its master’s leash.

EYES TO THE SKY: Iridescence and a red star for Valentine’s

I gazed at the two distinct bands of shimmering colors, one set above the other, with pleasure; they were like the mother of pearl inside an abalone shell.

EYES TO THE SKY: A quintet of planets before dawn

This reasonably rare alignment of five planets is “essentially a quirk” of the universe, and is well worth seeing.

EYES TO THE SKY: New year alight with planets, stars, meteors

The Quadrantid meteor shower, cosmic fireworks for Earthlings celebrating the holiday season, is active from today, December 28, through January 12.

EYES TO THE SKY: Dawn is alight with meteors, four planets

At dawn, throw off the covers: Superlative planetary grouping, Orionid meteor shower. The sky is a dream of meteors.

EYES TO THE SKY: Autumnal equinox and supermoon eclipse

Celestial events that nourish our spirits and become a part of our life histories are at play through the coming weeks.

EYES TO THE SKY: Scintillating summer evenings, alluring star patterns

Whether clear or cloudy, the land is lit by the season’s amazing insect light show. Fireflies! Blinking, streaking lightning bugs elicit in us the wonder of starlight and shooting stars close to the ground and up into the treetops.

EYES TO THE SKY: Dusk with three planets, glittering stars

I am eager to locate Mercury as soon as it is physically possible for the eye to see it as daylight fades into twilight. It is said that the Greeks tested their eyesight in this way.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.