As we have learned over the centuries, when it comes to burning witches, it doesn’t really matter if you have burned a real witch or just someone who, in your fevered, partisan, and paranoid imagination, could easily become a witch in the future. It is the burning that is the message.
The workshop is the first in a three-part training series to help businesses cultivate and steward inclusive retail, restaurant and workplace environments for customers and employees in order to create a culture of belonging.
“The idea was to give the community some way to care, which they were aching to do; to give a local establishment some extra business; and to feed families.” - Rev. Erik Karas
The city also will not issue any special event permits for the next 30 days to limit large gatherings and Tyer asked those with already approved events in that timetable to delay them voluntarily.
In Great Barrington, town officials put out a statement yesterday, and at Monday's selectboard meeting, town health agent Rebecca Jurczyk briefed officials on measures the town is taking to prepare for the virus.
On Wednesday, Oct. 30, from 6 to 8 p.m., the Berkshire Immigrant Center will host a workshop on the federal government’s new changes to the public charge rule.
The new initiative includes prioritizing diversion, expanding community programming, advocating for new policies, and creating a community-led advisory committee.
Museum staff in the curatorial, visitor services, accounting, education, development, digital media and marketing departments are eager to connect with students and work with them through their high school years.
TheatreFest@SaintJamesPlace will feature staged readings of eight original plays from presenting companies including Berkshire Playwrights Lab’s Berkshire Voices writers’ group, GhostLit Repertory Theatre and New Stage Performing Arts.
In Berkshire County, poverty, the lack of transportation, rural isolation and other factors contribute to high rates of domestic and sexual violence.
-- Elizabeth Freeman Center Executive Director Janis Broderick
She worked as a teacher in the Pittsfield Public Schools at Stearns and Morningside elementary schools for over 40 years in grades K–4, retiring in 2004.
Offering food and a culture that foster connection and collaboration, the vision of the employee-owned Random Harvest Market is to participate in a “relational food economy.”
Whitney Battle-Baptiste, director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Center and associate professor of anthropology at UMass Amherst, will be the keynote speaker at the fourth annual NAACP - Berkshire County Branch Freedom Awards dinner.
Massachusetts Association of School Committees executive director Glenn Koocher explained that the ability of a school district's population to fund local education determines how much state aid the district gets from the state.