The worthiest enemy of authoritarianism is authority. But who are the authoritative heroes available to us, and to the younger generations in particular? Who speaks a truth that everyone can get behind?
He served his patients, who came to his Teaneck office from all over the New York City metropolitan area, until retiring in 2003 and returning to live in his beloved Berkshires.
If Jerome Edgerton Jr. had to distill his message down to a single takeaway, it would be this: “No matter where we go . . . we’re going to step out as a powerful unit, and we’re going to create this wave of momentum and positivity that will affect our community.”
Stockbridge Main Street at Christmas to capture small-town holiday spirit
Stockbridge -- The Stockbridge Main Street at Christmas celebration, which captures small-town Christmas spirit in...
He worked at GE as a machinist in the transformer division, but his trade was meat cutting and he worked at Adams Supermarket, First National, A&P, Mohegan Market, Millerton Supermarket, Nejaime’s, Aldo’s and Carr Hardware.
In accordance with Mass Cultural Council guidelines, a deadline of Tuesday, Oct. 15, has been set for organizations, schools and individuals to apply for grants for 2020 that support cultural activities in the community.
Although each speaker offered a unique perspective on their place in and vision for this major new center, two themes ran through everyone’s remarks: the pivotal role of the arts and learning in our society, and the importance of and commitment to the Berkshire community.
Dan Stanyon is a vice president and trust officer with Salisbury Bank and Trust Company and holds the Certified Trust and Financial Advisor designation.
Directed by Travis Daly with music direction by Erin M. White and choreography by Kathy Jo Grover, the production features more than 100 Berkshire-area students.