The Community Development Corporation of South Berkshire will hold its third annual Community at Bat charity softball game Sunday, September 8, at Memorial Field Park on Bridge Street.
Bach Project’s Day of Action to be held at First Street Common
Pittsfield -- Yo-Yo Ma’s Bach Project, in partnership with Hancock Shaker Village, will...
The inaugural concert in the West Stockbridge Historical Society’ jazz concert series, the Aug. 3 performance will feature selections from Larry Grenadier’s recently released solo album “The Gleaners.”
The evening's festivities will begin with performances by the Eagles Community Band Brass Ensemble, Barrington Stage MTC Choral Group and students from the Boston University Tanglewood Institute.
Although each speaker offered a unique perspective on their place in and vision for this major new center, two themes ran through everyone’s remarks: the pivotal role of the arts and learning in our society, and the importance of and commitment to the Berkshire community.
Officer Darren Derby's mission is admirable: to create a relationship with the city’s youth that will ultimately change their perception of the police. “Don’t let your surroundings determine who you are and who you are capable of becoming,” he advises the hundreds of the city kids he encounters.