As we take a look at how it is that litigation against Donald Trump has ended in a whimper, let’s try and find the smallest bit of solace amongst the ruins of diminished expectations.
Perhaps most surprising is just how easy, inexpensive, and even time-saving the plan is to implement. Homeowners can have a very real impact on the health of our local pollinators by simply mowing their lawns less often.
Great Barrington Town Manager Jennifer Tabakin suggested better marketing targeted toward students and perhaps the many senior centers across the county. In addition, she wondered why the so-called CharlieCards, the BRTA's cashless payment system, were not available for purchase at places like supermarkets and pharmacies.
Maddie Elling and Abe Hunrichs of Hosta Hill were intrigued with recipes from Sandor Katz’s "Wild Fermentation," and excited by the opportunity to dig up ancient traditions and experiment with them in the 21st century.
This revival of interest in fermentation is not unique to the Berkshires. Fermentation workshops and festivals are happening all over the country, from Boston to Oregon.
Hate crimes do not occur because one race hates another; they occur because one person or group does not know, and is unwilling to know, another person or group. Hatred and fear are what human beings turn to when they confront the unfamiliar.