Sunday, October 13, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: Phyllis Kornfeld

THE OTHER SIDE: It doesn’t matter if you won or lost

The Declaration of Independence makes crystal clear that the Founders fought for the proposition “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed …” Having lost the 2020 election, Donald Trump became the first president in our history to oppose the peaceful transfer of power and to try, in...

Bits & Bytes: ‘Cellblock Visions: Prison Art in America’; Lubchenco at Bennington College; ‘Russian and Soviet Film Music’ at the Mount; ‘QWERTY’ at Mixed...

In her lecture, Lubchenco will draw on her four years as the under secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and the administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Criminal justice reform: Business as usual is not an option

"In state after state, criminal justice reform has led to lower incarceration rates, lower crime rates, and lower recidivism rates. It’s time Massachusetts joins the national let’s-get-smart-on-crime movement. This bill protects public safety and makes common-sense reforms while improving outcomes with our precious tax dollars." -- Massachusetts Senate President Stan Rosenberg (D-Amherst)

Bits & Bytes: ‘Women’s Shorts;’ fake news talks; ‘Cellblock Visions;’ Nawal Nour at Williams; partner loss support group

The author of “Cell Block Visions: Prison Art in America,” Phyllis Kornfeld has explored the creative process with incarcerated men and women for more than 30 years.

Bits & Bytes: Berkshire Baby Box fundraiser; Guatemala education talk; Phyllis Kornfeld talk; waste oil & paint collection; ‘Henry VI.six’ at Shake & Co.;...

Newly launched nonprofit Berkshire Baby Box offers a welcome gift for new moms: a box filled with supplies that aid in the care of newborns. The box doubles as a safe sleeping place for the baby.

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