Sunday, February 9, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: Pennsylvania

THE OTHER SIDE: Trump woke the world

The new Trumpian America, led by an authentic American "hero," is determined to put others in their place.

The Rev. Joseph P. Bishop, 99, of New Marlborough

He was profoundly committed to social justice throughout his life, most actively so during the 1960s when he participated in the iconic March on Washington in August 1963 and in a demonstration in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, for which he was briefly jailed.

IN THE FIELD: Sandhill cranes

This is not a bird one associates with the Northeast. Sandhill cranes breed across most of Canada into Alaska, dropping down into the upper Midwest and the Mountain West.

Smoke Signals from the Swamp: The Son-in-Law

With all the talk about the varied skills of Corey Lewandoski, Paul Manafort and Steve Bannon, who took turns steering the Trump campaign, many were surprised by the title of the Nov. 22, 2016, Forbes article: “How Jared Kushner Won Trump the White House.”

Arthur Korte, 88, who was born in West Stockbridge

After his time in the army, he owned a gas station and then worked for Marchetto Trucking, followed by J.H. Maxymillian in Lansborough where he retired from.

Mercedes Gallagher, 63, of Becket

Mercedes was the director of the Center Pond Weed Project in Becket, overseeing the removal of the invasive aquatic milfoil weed without the application of chemicals.

Lost and found: Unexpected gifts

“I was on my way to the Big Y, and stopped at the crosswalk for you to walk across. I saw your wallet drop out. And I said to myself, ‘I can’t not say anything. It’s a person’s life.’ ” — Betsy Halla

Business Briefs: Holiday farmers’ markets; Audubon Sharon director departs; Dorset Theatre Festival expands leadership team

New this year is the availability of the Healthy Incentives Program, in which Berkshire Grown is one of 40 Massachusetts nonprofits participating.

Thomas McDowell, 81, of Lenox, production manager for Mike Douglas Show

Tom was the production manager for the Mike Douglas Show and a television account executive in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was recognized as a broadcast pioneer and was also active in the Christian Business Men’s Committee.

The Self-Taught Gardener: Landscapes that remember

Landscapes have the ability to help us hold onto our past while setting a course for a hopeful future. Their restoration and refurbishment is a part of our healing process as well.

The Self-Taught Gardener: Plants that demand a little support from their friends

The Million Women March has me thinking about relationships -- between individuals and society, between plants and their habitat, and between our fundamental needs and how we demand they be met.

Marjorie Blair, 90, of Stockbridge

While living in Stockbridge, Marjorie Blair joined the Norman Rockwell Museum staff in 1972 as a guide.

The Self-Taught Gardener: The Gift of Bulbs

Bulbs are usually the last plants (after trees, perennials and shrubs) to be added to a garden because, like ferns, they are so good at filling in the remaining empty spaces within a bed or border.

Guido’s Fresh Marketplace going solar

This solar installation will be paid off in four years, after which time the company will no longer have an electricity bill.

SHORT STORY: The Reading

This is sixth story from Jonathan Baumbach’s forthcoming collection, “The Pavilion of Former Wives,” to be published by Danzig.

Arbor Day Reflection: I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as a clean kitchen counter

I’ve argued that it’s OK to use paper plates, that the trees used are planted specifically for that purpose and wouldn’t exist otherwise.

CONNECTIONS: Power Shift, Part II

America stands on the precipice about to step into a new age just as America did at the beginning of the Gilded Age. What if anything can we learn from the last seismic change in the primary source of energy?

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.