Sunday, February 9, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: Pennsylvania

THE OTHER SIDE: Trump woke the world

The new Trumpian America, led by an authentic American "hero," is determined to put others in their place.

Bits & Bytes: Chesterwood exhibition; ‘Children of the Moon’; Mass Audubon climate cafe; WAM Theatre Elder Ensemble

Taking its name from Du Bois poem “Children of the Moon,” which appeared in Du Bois’ book “Darkwater” in 1920, the event is part of a larger three-day program that brings students together for an exploration of Du Bois’ life, work and legacy.

‘The American’s Book,’ the immigrant railroad worker’s guide to citizenship

Entire communities within the cities through which the railroad system operated were founded by migrants from many countries. With thanks to “The American’s Book,” many of the progeny of those migrants rose to prominence in business, industry, and government.

Steven Kain, 56, of Sheffield

For many years, he was a master craftsman furniture maker in Shaker and other furniture styles. One of his pieces was showcased in the Hancock Shaker Village in Pittsfield and, for decades, he taught classes on woodworking in Connecticut and Massachusetts.

POEM: Skipping with a rope in Pa

Soft whispers and the cure of moonlight/ Fade into what might have been/ A waking dream foretold perhaps/ Amongst popcorn and a silent movie

Progressive movements conference calls for unity to confront contemporary crises

Emerging social justice movements represent a collective response to compounding crises. The challenge is bringing all of these movements together and maintaining unity among diverse groups working on what are seen as separate issues.

Amplifications: Women’s rights are human rights

Women are still not protected by the Constitution. The Equal Rights Amendment has never passed.

In aftermath of Pittsburgh synagogue assault, interfaith vigil offers solidarity against hatred and violence

The most powerful words of the evening might have come from Talia Ben Sasson-Gordis, senior associate regional director at the Anti-Defamation League in Boston: "The opposite of love is not hate. It is indifference."

Interfaith Community Vigil for Pittsburgh planned for Thursday, November 1

All are welcome at Community Interfaith Vigil, organized by the Jewish Federation of the Berkshires, to be held Thursday, November 1 at 5:45 p.m.

The Self-Taught Gardener: The right fruit for the right place

Lee Buttala, our Self-Taught Gardener, learns lessons in biodiversity through a celebration of apples.

#MeToo, 58 years later

And what do I and others do with our stories? What do we want from our abusers and the institutions that protected them?

The Self-Taught Gardener: Tableside gardening

According to our Self-Taught Gardener, gardening, like a good conversation, needs to keep moving forward.

AUDIO REVIEWS: A memoir, socialites, a muckraker and survivors

An unforgettable memoir, badly behaved socialites, a muckraker and survivors from World War II are all part of this week's audiobooks.

New scholarships awarded for first generation college-goers at MMRHS

Recipients will be called the Chang-Chavkin Scholars after Arnie Chavkin and Laura Chang, founders and funders of the program and part-time residents of New Marlborough.Students selected will receive a total of $60,000, $15,000 per year for all four years of college.

Priscilla Rogers Burdsall, 84, of Egremont

In 1989, they returned to Egremont and Baldwin Hill to turn Richard’s childhood home into the Baldwin Hill Farm Bed and Breakfast, which they ran for 22 years.

News Briefs: Berkshire Museum painting acquired by Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; Knight declares DA candidacy; Democratic NY-19 candidates to debate

The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts has invited all Berkshire County residents to visit the Frederic Church painting free of charge “in perpetuity.”

Nick Stanton, 75, of Great Barrington

Nick was an enthusiastic dancer, taylor, knitter, woodworker, life coach, furniture builder, eyeglass builder, ordained minister and mousetrap inventor.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.