Wednesday, October 9, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: peace

Images from ‘The Masculinity Campaign’

CNN builds a paywall with exclusive video content.

Fear gives way to quiet in the wake of COVID-19

In a letter to the editor, Rev. Robert Forman writes, "But this time of quiet sheltering in place has its own truth - just today, just now."

CONNECTIONS: Lost lessons from the past

My grandfather knew that concentration of power, wealth or resources undermined the rights and the opportunities of the many.

SOUL SUPPORT: Peace is a choice

A graphic from artist Deb Koffman: "Not always easy…can I let go of anger, judgment, fear, and choose peace this very moment?"

EDGE WISE: Waging peace, not war, on Memorial Day

Now, as never before, we have an opportunity to come together as a global society to wage peace in the name of survival…and beyond survival, prosperity. It will take ordinary people like you and me acting each in our own locales.

Lulu ‘n’ Hershey

Reality's just another name for nothing left to lose, conclude Hershey and Lulu. And so, they lose it. Two tripping psychedelic poodles.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.