Last week, on the eve of the deepest chill and wind chill of the season, I reached into reserves of dogged determination to secure my harvest of fennel, dill, peppers, French sorrel, amaranth and most of the turnips.
Touring the garden, perennial herbs and flowers, as well as fall-planted garlic that emerged from snowdrifts scarcely two weeks ago, have been growing quickly since the recent heat wave.
Plants painted with prickly frost crystals sparkled, lit by morning’s first sunbeams. Every sparkle flashed rainbow colors. Each uniquely rimed leaf invited a close-up look.
Many vegetables become sweeter with cooler temperatures. So do some gardeners, like our author, in hopes that someone will keep him warm during the winter.
Usually, leeks and the cabbage family survive uncovered until the end of November and beyond. Parsnips left in the ground through winter are prized as a spring treat after the ground thaws.
May 11 through 24, 2015
Mt. Washington -- With the sudden onset of unseasonably hot weather, the vegetable gardener is in a tailspin. We’ve gotten...