Wednesday, February 19, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: Panama

NATURE’S TURN: Blizzard paints the high country

Every branch, twig, and evergreen leaf sported a white brushstroke before snow changed to freezing rain.

Thomas E. Andrus, 92, of Monterey

From 1965-2005, Tom was a volunteer fireman for the town of Monterey and during that time, saw the construction of the new firehouse.

BOOK REVIEW: ‘House of Trump, House of Putin,’ the plot to put a Russian operative in the White House

Unger makes several startling claims: Trump was but one of dozens of U.S. politicians and businesspeople targeted over more than 20 years who became indebted to Russia.

Abbott Combes III, 98, of Northfield, Vermont, formerly of Pittsfield

He was also known for his gentlemanly manners, proper decorum, sense of humor, strong opinions, fondness of Cuba Libres and impromptu recitations of Robert Service ballads.

A NOVEL: ‘Over the Edge,’ Chapter 9

The machines probably thought it was improper that both a Russian agent and a now-supposed American asset had eaten Hungarian food at the same place. It could have been as simple as the machines just didn’t like palatschinke.

A NOVEL: ‘Over the Edge,’ Chapter 7

The little bike wound up, down, between trees. This certainly was unusual, but she wasn’t complaining despite the bouncing up and down over the now-nonexistent road.

A NOVEL: ‘Over the Edge,’ Chapter 5

She told him about living with cows in the Midwest, going off to college in the East, trying some hallucinogens, getting into Hinduism for a while and then getting a degree at the Yale School of Management. It just seemed more practical at the time.

A NOVEL: ‘Over the Edge,’ Chapter 4

Her schooling in Switzerland was academic enough. Not only could she walk balancing a book on her head, she read the books she balanced. That was a prerequisite.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.