Sharing the mission "to champion access, opportunity, belonging, and well-being for all people on their journey, helping to build thriving communities."
"We are thrilled to have land court uphold a very vigorous ZBA decision. We are glad there will be activity on a long dormant site and we will be able to achieve our goal of historic preservation."
-- Gwen Miller, Lenox town planner
On longing for the days when the 106-room "Berkshire Cottage," now known as Elm Court, was occupied by one family, the Vanderbilt-Sloanes, for one month each year.
"Gilded Age estates are the Berkshires. They are the distinguishing characteristic of our region, like the great country homes of England."
-- Laurie Norton Moffatt, Director and CEO of the Norman Rockwell Museum
"Restoring Elm Court in this way is like embalming a corpse. It's a trade off, more than a fair trade."
-- Gregory Whitehead, speaking for the Old Stockbridge Road Neighborhood Association
In his Letter to the Editor supporting the expansion and renovation of Elm Court, Bob Romeo of Lenox writes: "Every Great Estates project served as a 'shot in the arm' to increasing property values, bringing needed improvements to roadways, sidewalks, water and sewer capacities and other utilities."
In their letter to the editor, Martin and Wendy Kaplan write: "A beautifully maintained high end resort will add to the beauty and economic success of our region, far more than the empty mansion and land going to seed. Eventually, of course, if this proposal is rejected, then the estate will be sold to someone else, and the result may be far more problematic than the wonderful proposal now being considered."