Wednesday, February 12, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: Okinawa

‘Borderland | The Line’ is a must-see

The filmmakers will lead a bilingual Q&A following the screening at The Triplex tomorrow night.

Raymond Elling, 94, of Great Barrington

Upon his retirement in 1972, he and wife Josephine moved the family to Great Barrington and opened a bed B&B that they ran for 27 years.

David Fay, 82, of Otis

David was a Eucharistic minister and was involved with the Knights of Columbus in Lee. Mr. Fay was also active with the Shriners and St. Jude.

Daniel Toomey, 91, of Lee, MassDOT surveyor

While Toomey saw action at both the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, it was the fact that the peace treaty was signed in Tokyo Bay in 1945 aboard the very ship on which he was serving that he was most proud.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.