Wednesday, February 12, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: October

‘Borderland | The Line’ is a must-see

The filmmakers will lead a bilingual Q&A following the screening at The Triplex tomorrow night.

NATURE’S TURN: Amazing grass

I have been richly rewarded as gardener and artist for sowing winter wheat – which requires warm soil – as soon as beds were prepared after onion harvests and, especially fascinating, the rye that followed cucurbits and beans.

Nick Diller weather summary: October 2019 warmer than average

The big story on October’s weather was the rain — lots of it.

BOB GRAY: October sky

The October sky is also the most mutable: tornadic black one minute, blown to white billows the next.

NATURE’S TURN: Garden to palate: Autumn to heart

We were deeply experiencing the turning point in the season. We were immersed in and witnessing one of Earth’s great wonders.

Nick Diller weather summary: September 2019 drier than average

As far as temperatures went, this September was slightly above average.

EYES TO THE SKY: Seasonal change written all over the sky

At nightfall the Great Square of Pegasus, harbinger of autumn, is sketched on the heavens above the eastern skyline.

Nick Diller weather summary: October 2018 warm, humid and wet

The warm, humid and wet weather did a job on the foliage, not only in the Berkshires, but also in many other locations in the Northeast.

NATURE’S TURN: Autumn wind and other wild wonders around a garden

Autumn’s full-grown clumps of grass do dance with the wind more fluidly than young, short ones. Weighty, seedy flower heads pull on the season’s longer stems, exaggerating their bowing and bobbing.

EYES TO THE SKY: Four constellations, two asterisms, two summer stars, three planets and a meteor shower

The Draconids, a minor shower, sometimes rewards the sky-gazer with many shooting stars.

NATURE’S TURN: A full plate

Onions and potatoes, tomatoes and basil, cucumbers and kale, snap beans and zucchini fill dinner plates and overflow salad plates as the growing season peaks.

NATURE’S TURN: Twilight in the autumn garden

I’ve felt intimately engaged in carrying to maturity crops that I planted late in the growing season.

EYES TO THE SKY: Arcturus ghost; cross-quarter day; EST on the 5th

People throughout time have created holidays and monuments to express the affects these astronomical experiences have on our lives.

EYES TO THE SKY: New season, new moon – crescent moon cues the planets

The Autumnal Equinox occurs on Friday the 22nd at 4 p.m. Sunrise and sunset times are close to 12 hours apart for the rest of the month.

Nick Diller’s weather summary: October, 2016, warm and wet

It isn't often you get above 80 in October but we did on the 18th when we hit a record high of 83.

The Self-Taught Gardener: The Gift of Bulbs

Bulbs are usually the last plants (after trees, perennials and shrubs) to be added to a garden because, like ferns, they are so good at filling in the remaining empty spaces within a bed or border.

EYES TO THE SKY: Attune to planetary movements, waxing moon

On Friday and Saturday, the 7th and 8th, follow a robust crescent moon from midafternoon in the southeast until it completes its arc before midnight in the southwest.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.