Tuesday, February 18, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: Obamacare

CONNECTIONS: In this fraught time, focus locally

It is important for us to feel relevant at a time when it is easy to feel small and impotent.

Warren electrifies Mahaiwe crowd, but questioners get few specifics

The Warren campaign estimated more than 1,000 people attended the rally, including those at the packed Mahaiwe and the overflow crowd that could not be admitted to the 700-seat theater.

In NY-19 race, Democratic candidates take shots at ‘empty suit’ Faso

Though its boundaries have shifted in recent years, NY-19 has been represented by a mix of Democrats and Republicans over the decades.

Open enrollment: Notes from the front lines of health care coverage

The Affordable Care Act’s subsidized health care should be viewed by our nation’s leaders as an investment – not a cost – in the health and wellness of everyone. My clients are employed, hardworking Berkshire county residents who are without access to workplace insurance.

Take that, Trump! Obamacare enrollments up statewide and in South County

Even as uncertainty looms over the Affordable Care Act and its associated programs, enrollment numbers are up, both nationwide and in Massachusetts.

ORANGE ALERT: The (almost) daily outrage

Trump’s chief economic adviser has had to admit that they broke their promise that the middle class would benefit most.

Obamacare repeal: Berkshire residents oppose ‘cruel attempt to take us backwards’

Attendees were encouraged to wear black, dress as zombies and bring headstone-shaped signs to emphasize the danger the proposed healthcare bill embodies.

Entire Berkshire legislative delegation joins healthcare protest at Park Square

Attendees are encouraged to wear black, dress as zombies, and bring headstone shaped signs to emphasize the danger the proposed healthcare bill embodies.

EDGECAST VIDEO: Elizabeth Warren: Your voice matters

U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) delivered an electrifying address to a packed auditorium of 800 citizens at Berkshire Community College in Pittsfield, Massachusetts on July 8.

At Pittsfield Town Hall U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren tells voters: ‘These fights are for our lives’

“What they have is not healthcare; it’s a tax cut. Three out of four people in nursing homes rely on Medicaid, and what do the Republicans want to do, cut cut cut. They want to gut Medicaid because it’s the only way for them to produce tax cuts for the millionaires and billionaires.” -- U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, at Town Hall meeting, Berkshire Community College

Building ‘The Wall’ on the backs of special needs kids

In his letter to the editor Dennis Sears writes: “[Trump’s health care plan] would have a severe impact on our Towns and our taxes right here in Berkshire County.”

1 in 100: A mother’s appeal for universal healthcare

While I had plenty to worry about, I could rest assured, because of ObamaCare, knowing that my daughter Cora would not face discrimination due to her pre-existing condition; I did not fear her being denied treatment coverage. At that time, seven years ago, I didn't have to worry about Trumpcare stripping my family of the ability to deal with a potentially debilitating diagnosis.

N.Y. Rep. Faso deceived constituents in supporting TrumpCare

In his letter to the editor, Bobby Houston writes: "Faso, Paul Ryan and Trump are targeting women, the sick and the elderly in particular."

ORANGE ALERT: Failing health

"I worked as a team player. I’ve been in office, what, 64 days? I've never said repeal and replace Obamacare within 64 days." --- President Trump

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