Danielle Skraastad stars in "Homebody" as an inquisitive British housewife safely ensconced in her respectable kitchen and who grapples with Afghanistan’s turbulent history and her own rather unremarkable life.
The talk “Navigating Climate Change in Uncertain Times” will draw on literature, history, philosophy, environmental studies, politics and economics to situate climate change as an urgent personal and political call to action.
Sandra Steingraber's 1997 book “Living Downstream: An Ecologist’s Personal Investigation of Cancer and the Environment” changed the way many people think about toxic chemicals and their connections to cancer.
“I try to make paintings that are beautiful, frightening, and funny all at once, similar to the Theater of the Absurd, which assumes things are so bad that you can only laugh.” --artist Morgan Bulkeley
Andrea Harrington, candidate for state Senate, submitted well over the required 300 certified signatures to the Massachusetts Secretary of State's office and will appear on the ballot in the Democratic primary on Thursday, September 8.