During this, the Long Night Moon, I compiled a list of gifts of enlightenment for readers that will, in turn, support generous gift giving to the Earth.
During summer months I broadcast crimson clover seed between crop rows. This beautiful plant not only fixes nitrogen in the soil – i.e., we grow our own fertilizer – it keeps weeds down and is a good cut flower.
Master Ruby Throat then flies to a neighboring structure with more scarlet blossoms, alights and, in a blink of an eye, is whisked away by another hummingbird.
As you prepare for succession planting and look ahead to new growing spaces, please consider that creating and maintaining permanent planting beds is the starting point for recognizing soil as an ecosystem of micro- and macro-organisms.
In the wild and in the garden, the season is about a month later than last year, when I noted that spring arrived a month earlier than the year before.
"How Could You Forget Your Own Mother?" is the story of a young woman whose land has been threatened by ecological devastation caused by a fracking company that bought rights to her land.
"This fair will showcase key organizations, sustainable businesses, and empowered individuals in the Berkshires who are creating a livable future–one that is healthier, more prosperous for everyone, and more socially connected." -- Judy Eddy
While the media informs us about the devastating affects of carbon dioxide pollution in our atmosphere, we remain uninformed about the role of carbon as an integral part of life on our planet.
Stanton is not just a successful farmer. He credits his interest in serving on town boards to the model set by his parents, who have always taken into their home people who need help in various ways.